
Edu-Skills Centre for Learning

Spreading Seeds of Knowledge. 

If You Think Your Child needs Help.


The centre was founded for parents and children who are unable to participate in mainstream schooling. Or they prefer an alternative to a formal school setting for various reasons. Including the current Covid 19 as either a short term or long term solution.

Learners with any abilities or disabilities, languages, religions, or cultures are welcome.

The focus of the Learning Centre

  • Teaching learners skills so that they can access education eg. non-verbal learners can be taught to communicate via an AAC.
  • Learner are encouraged: ” Just the way that they are to become the best that they can become.”

Why choose Edu-Skill Centre for Learning?

  • We provide a caring environment where anxieties and fears are managed.
  • We believe that every child has potential.
  • An individual timetable for every learner.
  • 1-on-1 tuition and group tutorials of no more than 5 learners.
  • Ideal environment for learners with learning differences or barriers  to learning .

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. – John Dewey